Palace - AFI 36 inch auto unscrambler


Palace - AFI 36 inch auto unscrambler

$21,000 (USD)


Palace D-36-SPB/HS15-15 automatic bottle unscrambler

serial number 8964 MFR 7.20.14

Size Requirements Model SPB: suitable for containers up to 3" diameter or width and 7.5" tall.

Production RatesSpeeds up to 300 per minute depending on container and machine model.

Container ChangeoverTool-less changeover

Machine DimensionsModel S/PB: as small as 57x58 footprint with bulk hopper,

with bulk hopperControlsPLC and color touchscreen standard, discharge backlog sensor, all motors are variable speed

Electrical Requirements 21/60/120 v power

Pneumatic Requirements80-90 PSI


ManufacturerPalace - AFI 36 inch auto unscrambler
Stock Number33743