Kliklok VariStraight Triseal carton closer

No longer available

Kliklok VariStraight Triseal carton closer

$36,500 (USD)

Available quantity:1


Kliklock l Vari-Straight Inline Tri-Seal top load carton closer and sealer.

Serial number V-S 129 mfr 2011

Recently removed from service

Rated from 30 to 200 cartons per minute – depending on materials and application.

Carton size range: 4" to 12" in Length x 3½" to 12" in Width x 1½" to 5" in Depth.

Equipped with variable pitch technology and flighted centers that will provide controlled carton turn with pop-up turning bars that capture the cartons and guide them through 90-deg turn with variable pitch carton transport, easy carton size changeover and closing section with hot melt glue hoses and heads - will need Nordsen or Valco hot melt unit.

Allen Bradley controller with swing arm touchscreen HMI, servo drives and machine controls.

Mounted on stainless steel frame with flip up safety door guarding and leveling legs.


ManufacturerKliklok VariStraight Triseal carton closer
Stock Number33806