Unused 2021 Powerex 15 HP Enclosed Scroll Air Compressor

Unused 2021 Powerex 15 HP Enclosed Scroll Air Compressor

$19,500 (USD)

Available quantity:1


Unused 2021 Powerex 15 HP Enclosed Scroll Air Compressor, Model SET1507HP, Serial #: S31356-6750.  This is a high pressure model rated @ 145 PSIG.  This is an oil-less compressor with 3 x 5 HP (Tripex) system with sound enclosure.  Also includes approximately 80 Gallon Vertical Air Receiving Tank rated at 200 psi at 400°F, (MAWP), -20°F at 200 PSI, (MDMT).  Electrics:  3/60/460 volts, 21.3 amps.  Comes with front mounted HMI touchscreen.  Maximum BTU/HR:  38,175.  Overall dimensions:  26” x 38” x 61” H.  


ManufacturerUnused 2021 Powerex 15 HP Enclosed Scroll Air Compressor
Stock Number33793